Friday, December 22, 2006

UK---NEWS---Award scheme to fight obesity

Dec 22 2006

Chester Chronicle

AN estimated 132,400 people in Cheshire are obese, according to a county council report.
Nationally by 2010 approximately one in five children aged between two and five will be obese with more girls than boys being affected.
Cheshire County Council wants to make sure that's not the case. Bosses have published a review which proposes an award scheme which recognises nurseries and pre-schools providing healthy food and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Consideration should also be given, says the review, to making the award open to child minders.
Headed by Cty Cllr Chris Claxton, a team scrutinised the effectiveness of the various initiatives being undertaken on children's eating habits, particularly out of school.

It took evidence from public health and children's services experts and the results and recommendations are set out in an 18-page report.

Its recommendations include supporting the provision of cookery lessons in secondary schools, and the county council working with borough councils and primary care trusts to investigate ways in which children learn about food, including its origins through gardening clubs and allotments.

'This important subject is one of the biggest health issues facing us throughout our lives,' said Cllr Claxton. 'Lessons need to be learnt - and quickly - because figures are on the increase nationally and the cost is horrendous to the health service.

'Obesity costs Cheshire's health service approximately £48m a year because of associated health risks which include asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure and orthopaedic disorders.

'Annually obesity has risen by 0.7% in the county. In a doctor's practice of 10,000 patients it means that 60 new adults would be treated for obesity each year.'

Other recommendations include encouraging each school to identify a governor to be responsible for healthy lifestyles throughout a school.

The county's director of children's services is to be asked to hold a special conference to promote this new responsibility.


USA---NEWS---Employers urged to join obesity fight

Growing problem: new report wants companies to tackle overweight workers

Issue date: 28 December 2006
Source: People Management magazine
Page: 7

Obesity is "the most serious threat to the health of the nation", and employers must do more to help their staff stay fit, the government has urged.


A report, issued by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), contains guidelines for employers to change their policies and incentive schemes in order to "create a culture that supports healthy eating and physical exercise".


It said: "Action will have an impact not only on the health of the workforce but also in terms of savings to industry. That is why all workplaces, particularly large organisations, should address the prevention and management of obesity."


The report encourages employers to provide benefits packages that give access to local gyms and leisure facilities, and schemes to give regular health checks to employees. It also suggests that pricing in canteens should reflect the relative health benefits of the food.


As well as being aimed at employers, the guidelines are also intended for all groups who could play a part in countering the problem – healthcare providers, parents, local authorities and building planners, who have been urged to design buildings so that stairwells are more prominent than lifts.


Peter Littlejohns, clinical and public health director at NICE, said: "Obesity's risks are as serious as smoking and urgent action is needed to tackle the problem. For the first time we have brought together all the people who can help to solve the obesity problem – not only health professionals, but also local councils, employers and schools."


Ken Snider, director of the County Durham and Tees Valley Public Health Network, added: "Tackling the obesity epidemic isn't simply about treating people who are already obese – it's also about helping people to avoid becoming overweight in the first place. That's why in the guidance we have taken a dual approach that includes both prevention and treatment."

USA---NEWS---Scientists Find Link Between Obesity and Intestinal Bacteria

21 December 2006

U.S. scientists have found a surprising relationship between obesity and the kind of food digesting bacteria we have in our intestines. As VOA's David McAlary reports, the findings suggest that the microbes living in our guts might influence how prone we are to being overweight and might offer new solutions to the growing obesity epidemic worldwide .

Our intestines house two main groups of beneficial bacteria that help us break down otherwise indigestible foods so we can use the energy from them.

Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have found that the relative proportion of one of these kinds of bacteria, called Bacteriodetes is lower in fat people compared with those who are lean. Stool samples showed that when obese people lost weight, the Bacteriodetes microbes in their guts increased in proportion to the other type, called Firmicutes.

They saw the same thing in mice.

"We found that the obese humans did actually have exactly the same shift in the ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteriodetes that we had seen in the mice," said Ruth Ley.

That is Washington University scientist Ruth Ley speaking to Nature magazine, which has published her group's two studies on this topic.

"As they lost weight, the amount of Bacteriodetes increased and began to resemble what you would see in a normal lean person, and the amount of the increase was proportional to the amount of fat that they had actually lost over time," she said.

The researchers also wanted to know if they could make lean mice fat simply by altering the intestinal proportion of their microbes, what they call flora. Co-investigator Peter Turnbaugh told Nature they could do just that.

"What we saw was the mice that were exposed to the microbes from an obese mouse actually gained more fat over the course of the experiment than the mice that were given a lean microbial community," said Peter Turnbaugh.

Together, the findings suggest that obesity involves more than eating too much and not being very active. Another member of the research team, Jeffrey Gordon, puts it this way.

"What this study shows is that there is also a microbial component to determining how much adipose tissue you might have, and that the microbes in the gut are part of the question that affects predisposition to or the pathophysiology of obesity," he said.

In a Nature magazine commentary, Matej Bajzer and Randy Seeley at the University of Cincinnati's Genome Research Institute say this is a potentially revolutionary idea that could change our views of what causes obesity. They write that the differences in the way the body extracts calories from food may be determined by the microbes, contributing to differences in body weights.

But Ruth Ley says the biological pathways governing the intestinal bacteria are unknown.

"We know there is some sort of linkage between the fat that is carried on the body," she said. "We know that fat cells produce hormones, and there could be some signaling between the adipose tissue in the and the kinds of bugs [microbes] that are in the intestine, but at this point, we do not understand the mechanism."

The researchers say that once these mechanisms are understood, manipulating the microbes in the gut could offer another approach to treating obesity.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Want Weight Loss? Choose to Be Different - Choose to Be YOU

Pretend you are standing in a crowd of people who know one another.

Someone walks up to that crowd. She had just smoked a cigarette. Everyone can smell it on her. Animated, she starts chatting away. All ears are bending.

"Guess what?" she says. "I just had a cigarette. Mmmm—it was soooo good. Yesterday I smoked a whole pack, maybe I shouldn't have, but it was fun." She smiles big and proud.

How would you react? Would you giggle and cheer her on?

Would the crowd offer comments like:

"Good for you. A few cigarettes here and there aren't going to kill you."

"That's alright. You deserve to have a good time."

"Great – life is short. Enjoy life while you can."

"What kind of cigarettes are you smoking?"

"Where did you get those cigarettes?"

"May I join you next time you smoke?"

Or would the crowd sputter and stare with mouths agape and eyeballs bugging?

I know. What a silly question, huh? But 50 years ago this scenario would not have seemed so silly. Smoking was accepted then. Not any more. Now smoking is scoffed and scorned. Why?

Time and lost lives have taught us one tough lesson: every cigarette spikes another nail in an early coffin.

That's why a mother shudders and shakes when her keen mama bear nose senses smoke on her child, young or old.

We all know that smoking is our number killer, right?

Good news; bad news.

The good news: with growing awareness, smoking has slipped back to number two position.

The bad news: excess fat has trumped smoking as the biggest, baddest body snatcher of all. Hard to believe but true.

And that's scary.

But what's even scarier is that fat stats continue to duck beneath the radar of cultural awareness.

Take that same crowd of people. Someone comes trotting up and exclaims:

"Wait 'til you hear this. I had the best meal last night – full course dinner – lots of food – tee-hee, tee-hee – all that stuff we're not supposed to eat – tee-hee, tee-hee. I got so stuffed – tee-hee, tee-hee – I know I shouldn't have eaten so much – tee-hee, tee-hee – but I just couldn't help myself – tee-hee, tee-hee. I put on a couple more pounds, but oh, well, tee-hee, tee-hee."

Would the crowd respond the same to her as they would to a smoker even though excess food is more of a killer now than smoking? Of course not. They would giggle right along with her. Lots of fun and laughter had by all. They would rally round and cheer her on.

"Oh, don't worry about it. A few extra pounds here and there aren't going to kill you."

"That's alright. You deserve to have a good time."

"Great – life is short. Enjoy life while you can."

"What did you have to eat?"

"Where did you go to eat?" "May I join you the next time you go there?"

The results from smoking and over eating are the same: pain, disability and lost lives, the lives of people we know and love, and perhaps even our own lives. Yet, unlike smoking, we still haven't connected the dots between daily food choices, accumulated fat, and deadly consequences.

We're in denial big-time. And we are suffering because of it. Cancer, diabetes type 2, strokes, heart attacks, arthritis, hip and knee replacements, digestive disorders, back problems, and more are often the direct result of what we eat and how much extra weight we carry.

But not only that, too much weight eats away at our energy, our level of performance, our inner joy, and our self-esteem.

Denial prevents the desperately needed shift in attitudes about food and excess body fat that could add not only years to our lives but life to our years.

I have a simple hope, a simple dream.

That it will not take us 50 years of ruined lives and lost loved ones to wake up to the fat stats staring us in the face:

=> Americans are the richest people on earth. They are also the fattest.

=> 400,000 deaths every year in America can be directly attributed to too much weight.

=> There are now more overweight people on the planet than starving people.

=> In some parts of Africa, obesity afflicts more children than starvation.

=> Average women's dress size in 1950: 8; in 2002: 14.

=> After the age of 25, the average American gains 1 pound of fat every year—1 pound every year—and loses ¼ to ½ of pound of muscle and bone mass every year.

=> By the time many Americans reach 55 years old, they are at least 30 pounds overweight, or clinically obese.

=> 61% to 85% of all Americans are overweight.

=> In 1962, 13% of Americans were obese, 30 pounds overweight. In 2004, 33% were obese.

=> If an adult is 30 pounds overweight, her life expectancy is reduced by 7 years. If she smokes and carries 30 pounds of extra weight, her life is shortened by 13.5 years. From 10 to 30 pounds overweight, life expectancy shortens by 3 years and up.

=> Approximately 31% of our children are overweight or obese. If a child is 30 pounds overweight at 20-years-old, his life is slashed by 20 years—that's a lot of years.

=> One prediction: 50% of our country will be obese by the time 2010 comes rolling around—that's not far away. => As obesity increased from 1992 to 2002 by 60 percent in adults so did the number of people with diabetes type 2.

Facts are facts; stats are stats. The beauty is: we can choose not to be one of them.

No, we can not change the world around us. We can not even change the people we love, and that is the most heart-wrenching fact of all.

We can, however, change ourselves – one conscious step, one conscious thought, one conscious bite at a time.

We can choose to stand apart from the crowd – not because we are better, but because we choose to be different. We choose to align our lives with our heart, our truth, and our intentions.

As my lovely, inside and out, daughter and I remind each other in those isolated and lonely moments, you have to be different to make a difference.

Know that your shining example will open the eyes of those ready to see and will brighten up the world.

Thank you, my friend, for being all that you are and for making a difference.

10-Minute 10+10 Rainbow Chopped Salad for Weight Loss

You'll get a kick out of this – watching me in my own arena, sweating bullets.

You see, my big sister, Wendy (okay, not really bigger anymore, but older – once a big sister, always a big sister to a little sister), and I were recently visiting our parents.

We both eat the same crazy way – like rabbits. So we get the stuff out for our first, second, and main course – a huge, hunkin' salad for two – and she says to me, "Okay, Leslie, I want to see you do what you claim. Make this salad in 10 minutes."

The challenge was on, and I was the one on the hot seat. (Big sisters are such a pain sometimes and forever bossy!)

How could I refuse? I looked at the clock and jumped into the game.

I started washing the Romaine and butter lettuce. Oh dear, where was my mother's salad spinner. Stop the clock. Search for the spinner. I finally find it tucked away, out of reach, and lo and behold, it is a baby one. Oh, no, I'd be all day a spinnin' those green leaves.

Start the clock. Wash, wash, wash, spin, spin, spin, and spin some more. Okay, whew, the minutes are ticking away, but the lettuce is washed and spun dry.

Next: chop the lettuce. Wait a sec. Stop the clock! I can't find a knife with a large enough blade to quickly chop vegetables and, oh, yeah, I had forgotten – my mother doesn't like sharp knives. Greeeeat – my only choice of weapon is a dull, kindergarten knife.

I take a deep breath. Start the clock….oh, no, is this the only cutting board my mom has – it's too small – okay, Leslie, quit moaning (and big sister, QUIT gloating) and get to chopping - chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop.

Finally…the greens are washed, spun dry, and chopped. Now to find a large enough trough for the green bounty. Oh, dear. The frantic hunt through the cupboards is on – where, oh, where is there a bowl big enough for this gigantic salad for two. Stop the clock!

"Moooooooommmmmmyyyyyy, where is your largest bowl?"

And yes, at that point, my mother's name went from a middle-aged woman's "Mom" to a whiney little girl's "Mommy."

My mommy comes to my rescue. I smile sweetly. Glare at my sister with that big "I told you so" grin on her face. I grit my teeth on my tongue to prevent spillage of words. Start the clock.

Now to wash and chop the raw vegetables to add to the greens – darn this knife – chop, chop, chop, chop, and chop some more. Okay, whew, I throw the veggies into the lettuce to make my signature salad with 10 different vegetables, including the two kinds of lettuce and sprouts.

Voila! Done. Oh, no, I'm not – I have to find a lemon and some kind of vinegar for the dressing. Don't bother stopping the clock – 10 minutes is long gone.

At least 45 minutes from start to finish, my smirking big sister and ever-so-humbled me sit down to a feast – we feast our bodies with the best food and feast our spirits with each other's love, companionship, and the fun of keeping little sister in her proper place.

Okay, I totally get it. Now I know why so many of you complain about how long it takes to make a salad. Wash your greens and veggies ahead of time and keep them together in the refrigerator. Make sure you have the right tools and they are strategically located.

The recipe and instructions below were birthed from two sources: sheer exasperation and my sister's strong "suggestion" to write down what I do to make my 10+10 signature salad.

I pass the challenge on to you. After you have practiced with all the right tools, see if you can make a 10+10 salad in 10 minutes? I promise, cross my heart, when I am home, I can and do every day.

Let me know how you do. And I would love your suggestions, helpful hints, and additions that you have incorporated into your own healthy salad-making.

Happy creating and happy eating to make your body a happy body!

Dr. Leslie's 10-Minute 10+10 Rainbow Chopped Salad

Ingredients (Dr. Leslie's favorites—choose 10 favorite vegetables to build your own salad)

• Lettuce (2 lettuces=2 different vegetables for "10" count): 2 kinds equivalent to 1 head (Romaine, green-leafy or red-leafy, bib, and/or butter—NOT iceberg)

• Spinach: couple of handfuls

• Sprouts (3 different sprouts=3 vegetables): alfalfa, mung bean, or mixed bean

• Red vegetables: 1 tomato, ½ red bell pepper, ¼ cup radishes, ¼ cup red onion

• Green vegetables: ½ cucumber, ½ cup green cabbage

• Purple vegetable: ½ cup purple cabbage

• White vegetable: ¼ cup cauliflower

• 1 avocado (yes! actually a fruit!)

• Other options: broccoli, carrots, zucchini, yellow squash, green or orange pepper, snap peas, yellow onions

II. The "Must" Tools

• Large salad spinner—10¼" in diameter (Note: no holes in the bottom)

• Large cutting board—20¾" x 15"

• Chef's knife (sharp) with 8" blade

• Boning knife (sharp) with straight, narrow 6" blade

• Peeler

• Large bowl (the largest of the 4 stacked Pyrex glass bowls)

• Two oversized spoons or fork and spoon for tossing

III. Directions

1. Take all ingredients out of refrigerator and wash. If possible, wash vegetables for 2 salads ahead of time so they are ready to go.

2. Using salad spinner, spin the lettuce and spinach until very dry

3. Finely chop lettuce and spinach—it's easier to chew—and fill up a bowl large enough to contain a salad that will fill you up. (It takes time to learn how much salad is the right amount for you.)

4. Finely chop vegetables and place on top of large bed of lettuce and spinach.

5. Squeeze ½ a lemon over salad, along with a couple of shakes of balsamic vinegar (or any vinegar of choice).

6. Mix salad until the avocado coats the lettuce and vegetables very well. The salad will shrink down about 1/3.

IV. Helpful hints

Wash all green-leafy vegetables ahead of time so they are ready to go when you are ready to eat a salad.

Spin lettuce and spinach as dry as possible—they store better—and store in air-tight container.

Store all vegetables in the same area or same bag in your refrigerator so they are very accessible.

Chop green-leafy vegetables and other vegetables very finely to make chewing easier.

Dr. Leslie's 10-Second Secret Salad Dressing

I. Ingredients

1 huge green-leafy salad with 10 different vegetables
½ of a fresh lemon or lime
Organic balsamic vinegar (or any favorite vinegar)

(BONUS: Almost no calories in dressing and extra nutrients from the lemon or lime)

II. Directions

1. Cut one lemon or lime in half and use fingers to squeeze the juice out of the lemon or lime onto the salad.

2. Give the bottle of balsamic vinegar a few shakes over the salad for desired amount.

3. Mix very well. If an avocado has been added to the salad, the avocado coats the salad, giving it a wonderful flavor and texture.

4. Stick fork into the vegetables, insert vegetables into mouth, bite down, and chew!

5. Stop eating when your brain tells you to stop. Throw the rest away. It is more of a waste to eat more food than you need than it is to feed the garbage disposal. Garbage disposals are cheaper and easier to replace than your body—a little different perspective than the "lick-your-plate" mentality that most of us were raised with.

After eating a large salad for lunch, you will get hungry in a couple of hours because raw vegetables digest quickly. That's what's supposed to happen—good food goes in, moves through you relatively quickly, the nutrients become a part of you, and the waste comes out. Very simple and normal process.

After eating a large salad for lunch, I get hungry within about 2½ hours. Very easy solution to hunger…EAT!

Simple rule: eat when hungry; stop eating when your brain tells you that you are satisfied.
By Dr. Leslie Van Romer

Weight Loss Can be Achieved with the Help Powerful Drugs

Body Mass Index more than 27 can be a cause of many physical and psychological problems. To live a healthy life it is essential to loose extra pound as soon as possible. Achieving perfect health status is a dream of more than 1 billion over-weight people across the globe. Regular exercising and reducing excessive calorie intake with help of proper weight loss medicines can help you realize this dream.

There are different weight loss drugs available in the market; suitability of a particular drug is a matter of physical status of the obese. Personal requirement and choice also affect selection of a particular drug. Xenical (Orlistat), Phentermine, Acomplia (Rimonabant) Hoodia and Bontril are few prominent names which come under the endless list of weight loss drugs.

Xenical (Orlistat) is a popular weight loss drug among obesity affected people particularly in the US. This drug has approval of FDA which increases its reliability and ensures safety. Xenical inhibits working of fat digesting enzyme lipase and restricts the body to get calories from the fat present in diet. This diet pill Xenical very beneficial when you have the habit of eating fat rich food. Dosage of Xenical should be accompanied with vitamins A, D, E and K supplements. Regular exercising gives better results when diet is regulated with Xenical.

Phentermine is another diet suppressing drug which stimulates hypothalamus. Hypothalamus gland controls our appetite which is done through the medium of certain neurotransmitters. Phentermine can bring appetite to a non-harmful low level. After establishing control over hunger, it becomes simple for the metabolic system of your body to burn all unwanted fat accumulated in your body.

Acomplia (Rimonabant) is a new invention in the world of weight loss drugs. It inhibits the working of CB-1 receptor which is responsible for sending signals of hunger to the brain. Since brain is not receiving hunger signals it will not start further digestive activities. Acomplia can also help in cessation of smoking. This drug is easily available in the European market. Sanofi-Aventis the manufacturer of this drug is anticipating FDA approval for the drug soon. It is only after that the drug will be launched in the US anti-obesity drug market.

Hoodia is as extract of Hoodia plant which has been used since ancient times by the tribes of Kalahari Desert as an appetite suppressant. This drug increases the level of glucose in the blood and in this way fools the brain by sending the signal of full stomach. After using Hoodia there will be no urge for food for 18 to 24 hours. Hoodia is non-prescription drug which comes in tablet and drink form. There is no need to get prescription from doctor to start its use.

Weight loss drugs like Bontril are used for short duration about 30 to 45days. These oral-prescription drugs give faster remedy and generally prescribed by doctors when there is an urgency to reduce weight. There are many more appetite suppressants available in the market like Reductil, Ionamin, Tenuate etc.

Almost all weight loss drugs are oral-prescription medications except herbal medication. These drugs might have mild side-effects related with them like nausea, dry mouth, dizziness, headache, constipation, diarrhea, and oil secretion through skin. The side effects generally disappear after adjustment of the body to the drug. You can consult with your doctor for suitability of a particular medicine.

Weight loss drugs are easily available through online order. There is no need to see any pharmacist or doctor if you get online prescription and advice for weight loss drugs.

Lorcaserin: a New Cohort to Healthy Living

obesity is a wide spread dietary disorder, which has cut across all age groups. The unfortunate phenomenon being that obesity is often tagged with other health related risk factors like heart ailments, diabetes, high blood pressure amongst others. Apart from health hazards it accompanies, obesity also can make the butt of everyone's jokes and pull down your self-confidence. If you are one of the victims of obesity, Lorcaserin which is a new generation weight loss drug can ease your worries.

This drug, Lorcaserin hydrochloride (APD356) was discovered by Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a sensitive 5-HT2C serotonin receptor agonist under assessment for the supervision of obesity. 5-HT2C serotonin receptors are located in the hypothalamus, a region of the brain that controls food intake and metabolism. It was anticipated to kindle the 5-HT2C receptor and has around 100-fold selectivity in vitro for the 5-HT2C receptor relative to the 5-HT2B receptor.

Lorcaserin is a highly selective amalgam which targets a particular serotonin receptor situated in the hypothalamus, a region of the brain recognized to impact satiety and manipulate metabolic rate. It is an orally controlled drug.

In accordance to researches, Lorcaserin has long-established admirable weight loss results, attached with outstanding tolerability and an positive impact on associated physical measures and most lipid confines among obese populace. The activation of the 5-HT2B receptor is connected with the cardiac valvulopathy administered with non-selective serotonergic agents. The strategy for appetite containment and weight control is supported by animal pharmacology and human clinical studies. In concurrence with this, Lorcaserin hydrochloride has something like 15-fold selectivity in vitro for the 5-HT2C receptor in opposition to the 5-HT2A receptor. It is believed that the 5-HT2A receptor adds up to the plausible central nervous system undesirable effects linked with non-selective serotonergic agents.

Lorcaserin hydrochloride is well tolerated drug at all doses as looked into in the trials reflecting no noticeable effects on heart valves or pulmonary artery pressures. Though some lesser Lorcaserin side effects can be enumerated as:




Urinary tract infection

Dry mouth




The occurrence of these side effects is a consequence of bodily changes in effect to Lorcaserin medication. In case, these or any other side effects surface kindly consult your doctor for immediate medical attention. Nursing mothers, pregnant women, or women who intend to conceive should abstain from Lorcaserin medication.

It is advisable that you should consult your doctor before undertaking Lorcaserin medication to avert any medical mishap.

Nature Grows Hoodia Plant and Hoodia Reduces Weight

Nature, like a true mother, has gifted us many beneficial things. The only obstacle, in the way of taking benefits from nature, is unawareness. The work of identifying vital property of a nature's gift Hoodia is done by the tribes of Kalahari Desert. Tribes, wherever they live, are near to the nature; they know their surroundings very well and have a power of adjustment with environment. Kalahari Desert is one of most unsuitable habitation for human beings but tribes are still successful to maintain their existence there. Even the scarcity of food didn't make them extinct because they had the help of Hoodia plant.

Hoodia is a succulent plant, which looks like cactus and found in Kalahari Desert. The extract of Hoodia can work as an appetite suppressant. The tribal people used to chew the plant to suppress appetite before going for hunt in the desert. As there was no access to food and water in deep desert, it was the only method available to them to suppress their hunger. Once eaten, Hoodia works for almost 24 hours. Phytopharm understood the significance of this property of Hoodia for millions of obese across the world and developed Hoodia diet drug.

Civilized society cannot adopt all practices of tribes; particularly one cannot chew a plant in raw form. Moreover, civilized people know if a plant has medicinal value then there must be some medicinal component in it. Hoodia anti obesity medicine developers were also well aware about this fact and they tried in this direction. The result of their endeavor came out as P-57. This is an extract of Hoodia Gordonii (a type of Hoodia), which has high efficacy in suppression of appetite. With this extract, Hoodia diet pill, Hoodia capsules and Hoodia health drinks are prepared.

Since, Hoodia is prepared from all natural ingredient and works by just fooling the brain about the presence of food in the stomach. For which only the help of increase sugar in blood is taken, so it does not give any harmful effect to your body. There is no need to get doctor's prescription for using Hoodia; however a consultation with doctor is better. Every pill or capsule of Hoodia has volume 1200mg. Dosages are simple, a pill or capsule of Hoodia should be taken an hour before breakfast. Overdosing of Hoodia for any reason is not beneficial so it must be avoided. You should continue with daily dose even if you have missed a few dosages of this medication.

Conventional method of drug purchase could be hassling and time consuming. Place an order for Hoodia online and get it without any hassle at your doorstep. Online purchase of Hoodia saves your valuable time plus you can place online order just on a mouse click from anywhere anytime. Buy online Hoodia appetite suppressant and get it at cheap rate.

Wonder of Nature Hoodia, More Powerful and More Benign

Hoodia seems to be a strange name for first time reader. But the herb whose name is Hoodia is more wonderful than its name. This herb is found in the great Kalahari Desert of Africa. You might be thinking only cactus or plant like that can grow in the desert. At this point, your guessing is right; Hoodia is a succulent plant, which just looks like cactus. There are many varieties of Hoodia but our discussion is confined only to Hoodia Gordonii.

The herb Hoodia is in use as an appetite suppressant since the time when San Bushmen came to the Kalahari Desert. Hoodia is a true friend, which nature has provided to these tribal people. San Bushmen, before going to hunting expedition in the desert, used to consume Hoodia to protect themselves against harmful effects of hunger. Hoodia always helped them and it is the symbol of its efficacy in appetite suppression.

There is no scarcity of food in the developed nations of the world. What is the use of Hoodia in these nations? This might be the question in your mind. Hoodia is beneficial for the people of developed nations too. The practice of taking excessive food is making people obese in these nations and obesity can be curbed with Hoodia. For taking the benefits of Hoodia, obese in the developed nations or all over the world do not have to chew Hoodia plant directly. Phytopharm has isolated appetite suppressing element from Hoodia Gordonii plant. This element is known as P-57 and it is available as Hoodia diet pill, Hoodia capsules and Hoodia health drink.

1200mg is the optimum value of Hoodia which is found effective in curbing appetite for 24hrs. This is the volume of every Hoodia diet pill. In this way dosages of Hoodia are designed to take once in a day. Swallow a pill of the medication daily with plain water in the morning before taking your breakfast. Since 1200mg is the optimum volume of this medication, so there is no need to take overdoses of medication in any case. Moreover, overdosing can be h`rmful for the body.

Hoodia appetite suppressant is prepared from all herbal ingredients thus doctor's prescription is not essential to use it. However, prior consultation with doctor is advisable. A doctor can restrict you from Hoodia when, your weight is already normal or below normal, you are a pregnant lady or you are a breast feeding mother. Ladies who are planning to bear child soon and children should also keep themselves away from Hoodia.

There is one more reason to opt for this medication that is Hoodia is free of any side effect. Human body is generally non reactive to herbal products, this is the reason behind benignity and side effect freeness of Hoodia. Buy this medication through an online order and get cheaper rate Hoodia at your doorstep.

Acomplia – Will It or Not

Acomplia (Rimonabant) is a weight loss drug that is manufactured by Sanofi-Aventis, French pharmaceutical giant. Its active agent is Rimonabant which helps in suppressing appetite. A doctor knows that without doing exercises and following a strict diet regimen one cannot have weight loss. But introduction of diet pills like Acomplia in the system quickens the process of weight loss by suppressing appetite, which in turn gives way for no deposition of fat in body. The doctors love it for it simplifies the process of weight loss with an obese patient.

Obesity can result from lack of overeating, lack of physical activity and unbalanced diet consumption. Obesity may also occur due to genetic factors. The first notion one has about obesity is that it means general lethargy and lack of spontaneity in doing something. Acomplia is diet pill that suppresses appetite and brings back the spontaneity in you when this pill works in tandem with exercises and controlled diet regimen.

Surgery and liposuction are some of the other obesity treatment methods available today but these are costly. In addition to that, one needs re-operation plus the results vary from individual to individual. These are the reasons as to why the introduction of Acomplia has created an enthusiasm in the minds of obese individuals as well as doctors. As of now Acomplia has not got FDA approval for sale in the US but it has been approved for sale in the UK.

Get your share of Acomplia (Rimonabant) today and suppress your appetite so as to start the program to have weight loss. This diet pill acts on the cannabinoid receptors and blocks it from sending signals to the brain that the stomach is urging for food. As the signal is stopped the brain is fooled that the stomach is full. Thus suppression of appetite takes place.

This suppression of appetite helps you move over from obesity when the introduction of this diet pill is done in conjunction with controlled diet program and rigorous physical activities. While the physical activities help you shed extra fat all around your body the controlled diet program and diet pill like Acomplia helps you maintain minimal diet requirement of your body.

Ordering and buying of diet pill Acomplia is easy as one can do it through online stores. Order and buy your dosage of this diet pill to see whether it will work to reduce obesity or not. It is not important which drug or diet pill you should take to get rid of obesity but it is important to get rid of obesity by resorting to some means or the other. Acomplia has not got FDA approval yet and without patients starting to use it, how would one get to know that it works or not.

Weight Loss—A Roller Coaster Ride

I can describe Jean Finman in a word — gorgeous. Well, actually that doesn't quite do it. She's not just gorgeous — she's drop-dead gorgeous.

The best part about Jean is that her outer beauty also exactly reflects her inner beauty, even in the middle of raising five small children.

Other than her movie-star looks, Jean is like so many of us. She grew up struggling with weight.

As a child, she was always surrounded by sweets — they were just a part of her everyday life. Special Tupperware containers filled with cookies and goodies sat in the cupboard. Jean helped herself anytime she wanted. And her weight showed it.

It wasn't like Jean hadn't tried to get her weight under control before. She had done the diet thing many times over in her lifetime but without permanent success.

Pounds disappeared; pounds reappeared. Sound like a familiar ride that all of us want to hop off?

When we first met, Jean told me that she felt "fat, ugly, and tired." As I looked at that face, I sort of got the fat and tired part, but ugly? How could a face like that ever feel ugly? I wondered if she ever looked in the mirror – no kidding!

That was 9 months and 16 pounds ago. I would love to say it's been easy for Jean. Quite the contrary, she lost 10 pounds the first month — yeah; gained back 10 pounds by the third month – ouch! Can you feel Jean's pain when those pounds boomeranged back?

By the 5th month, she had gained another pound and the 7th month, she was down 2 pounds—a grand total of 2 pounds down from her original weight. Big sigh. Seven months, two pounds down.

Who wouldn't just give up after all that effort without any results? Most anyone, but not Jean. She just kept putting one foot in front of the other, even when it felt like slogging through quick sand with no end in sight. Such a lonely and demoralizing haul this weight loss struggle.

Then something happened. Only Jean could describe it well. I guess you could say something clicked in Jean's brain. What is it that makes that magical switch flip in our brains, the light go on, and somehow we get on track? Who knows.

At night, sometimes Jean would get this real sense that if she didn't lose weight she was going to die of a heart attack. Her weight had crept back up, and she felt bloated, fat, and miserable. Her pattern was the same most of her life — she would slip back to eating sweets, especially when stressed, hating herself with every bite.

She asked herself, "Why am I doing this to myself? I don't want to die. I want to be here for my kids."

Something clicked for Jean.

Recharged and refocused, Jean lost 14 pounds in the last two months. She eats fruit for breakfast, salad or a veggie wrap for lunch with hummus, avocado, red pepper, lettuce, and tomato.

For dinner she starts with a salad first (fill-up on the best-for-you foods first) and eats cooked vegetables and sometimes beans. She makes sure she is full and satisfied. For snacks, she eats nuts and seeds.

Mochas, an almost daily treat and extra calories for Jean, are now pleasant memories. She no longer eats any animal products, dairy products, sugar, or salty snacks — another temptation for her.

Jean says she doesn't feel hungry or deprived. In fact, she feels great. Amazingly enough, her cravings for sugar are gone, even though the sugar stuff is still in the house. She loves the feeling of sugar not having power over her.

Now when Jean is stressed, rather than over eating the bad stuff, she over eats the good stuff—like a veggie wrap! (Remember, eating vegetables is like eating air when it comes to calories.) Way better choice, don't you think?

As well as Jean is doing right now, do you think that Jean thinks she is home-free from the trap of conditioned taste buds and lifelong habits? Not at all.

In fact, Jean just wrote me and "confessed" a slip-up. Big deal! So Jean "slipped-up." If you are a human being, you slip-up—it's just part of being human. Just expect that to happen and go on from there.

The only real slip-up is to give-up, and I know that is something that beautiful Jean would never do. Her body, her life, and her children mean too much to her.

I don't know about you, but it is not the rich, famous, and powerful people in the world that I find inspiring. I draw inspiration from the Jean Finmans in the world—extraordinary, ordinary (yet not ordinary at all) individuals, who are perfectly themselves, with all their strengths, struggles, complexities and layers of being a human being.

Jean's inner strength, courage, and commitment, as well as her willingness and openness to share her heart, her soul, her victories, and her frustrations, give you and me the inner strength and courage to be perfectly ourselves in our own journeys through life.

Aren't we so blessed to have one another to give a helping hand along the way?

Thank you, Jean, for your helping hand. Your beauty, inside and out, graces our lives with light and hope.

Cheating: Your Secret Weapon to Permanent Weight Loss

Have you ever noticed one thing about yourself? You're not perfect.

Yet when it comes to weight loss, you think you have to be perfect. What's up with that?

As soon as you slip-up, even just a little, you beat yourself up with words like lazy, undisciplined, failure, and hopeless.

Then the inevitable happens once again – you give up and there you are – still stuck in a layered-up body that you're just plain sick of.

How about trying a new tactic for weight loss? Cheating. Intrigued?

I call it the "Casual/Dress-up Rule" or the "80/20 Rule" – or how to legally cheat guilt-free.

Let's say we dress casually about 80% of the time (more like 99% of the time for some of us – giggle, giggle), and we dress-up about 20% of the time.

Do the same with your eating habits. 80% of the time, when your day and your food are routine and under your control, fill-up on those weight loss heroes: whole, unrefined fruits, vegetables, grains and beans, like in my 10+10 Eating Plan for Life.

(Tip: eating vegetables is kind of like eating air with lots more nutrients – very few calories – so use your common weight loss sense and fill-up on them first, along with their buddies – fruits – 80% of the time that is.)

Now for the fun part – cheating. When you go out or have people over or there is a holiday or special occasion OR you're just in the mood to "be naughty," go ahead, make your day, and be your most "naughty" self. That'd be about 20% of the time.

Don't guilt or fuss or beat yourself up.

Do get back to your weight loss heroes the next meal or the next day or even the next week (sometimes we s-t-r-e-t-c-h our cheating spree a wee bit longer than a meal or a day).

One thing for sure, if you trap yourself in a rigidly restrictive diet box, the little kid brat in you will rebel, have a tantrum, and kick down the sides of the box.

Once you are free, you will slip back to eating those very foods that sabotage weight loss and eat away at your self-esteem and feeling good about YOU.

Built-in flexibility in your weight loss eating plan allows you the freedom to make food choices—80% sensible choices and 20% "just because I want to" choices—while steadily shedding pounds and building health and fitness.

How perfect is that for our perfectly imperfect selves?

So when you wake up tomorrow morning, ask yourself, "Is this a regular, casual kind of day (or meal) or a dress-up kind of day (or meal)?"

Following the 80/20% rule for that day and the rest of the week, make your decision and enjoy.

The quicker you accept that you aren't perfect, you'll never be perfect, and you don't have to be perfect, the quicker you'll get back on track to the permanent weight loss you long for and so deserve.

One more thing. The only slip-up in weight loss is to give up. And you, my friend, are not a quitter – that much I know for sure!

Create lots of magical moments for you and your family this holiday season and remind yourself how blessed you are.

Do Elephants Eat Cows For Protein?

By far, the most common question I hear is:

"If I don't eat meat, or as much meat, where do I get my protein?" Sound familiar?

Let's cut to the chase – the protein chase. I'm a simple kind of girl so I ask simple kind of questions. I don't do complicated – complicated confuses me and the last thing I need is to be more confused. That's a scary thought.

Just for grins and giggles, let's have fun with protein and see if my common sense speaks to your common sense.

8 Very Simple Protein Questions:

#1 Common Sense Protein Question: "Do elephants eat hamburgers?"

As you know, protein is for growth, among many other things. Like the growth of muscles. Have you ever heard of an elephant, giraffe, ape, cow, or horse eating hamburgers, chicken, fish, or even protein drinks to get enough protein to grow great, big muscles? No, of course not.

If elephants can eat plant foods to get plenty of protein, so can we with our relatively little muscles and bodies.

#2 Common Sense Protein Question: "Do elephants have to mix and match plant foods to get a 'complete protein'?"

Oh, yeah, right. I can just see it now. An elephant making sure he eats just the right plant foods to get just the right combo of proteins. I don't think so.

My brain says: If they don't have to mix and match, neither do we.

#3 Common Sense Protein Question: "But aren't we different from elephants?"

Good question. Yes, elephants are a wee bit different than us. No, duh, as the kids say. But this is the common sense point:

If a small variety of plant foods can provide the right quantity and quality of protein necessary to grow and maintain a great big mammal like an elephant, then isn't it logical that plant foods, and a much larger variety at that, can provide people with enough protein to grow and maintain our relatively little muscles, bones, tissues, and organs?

My common sense says, "Yes." What does your common sense tell you?

#4 Common Sense Protein Question: "At what time in life do human beings require the most protein?"

Okay, so you can't quite wrap your brain around the fact that elephants and humans can be compared—that can be a big leap—elephants to people. That's fair enough. So I'll tell you what—let's talk about just people—little people, as in babies.

Our cute little babies tell the whole protein story. See for yourself.

Again, what is the purpose of protein?

You've got it! Growth. When do we grow the most? From the ages of 0 to 2. Right?

What is the very best food for 0 to 2 year olds? Lamas' milk.

How much protein do you suppose is in mama's milk? 15%, 25%, or 30% protein? Guess again.

This may knock your socks off, but human milk contains only 4.5% to 5% protein—that's all.

If 4.5% to 5% protein is plenty of protein to meet the growing needs of babies, then that same amount of protein, and even less, is plenty for us big people. We've stopped growing.

#5 Common Sense Protein Question: "How much protein is in an orange?"

Hang on. Shock factor coming. An orange has 8% protein. Whoa! Isn't that unbelievable? An orange with 8% protein?

Remember, rapidly growing babies only require 4.5% to 5% protein. At 8% protein, oranges not only have enough protein, they actually have an abundance of protein.

What about other plants?

Spinach: 49% protein
Broccoli: 33%
Cauliflower: 26%
Romaine lettuce: 36% (imagine that much protein in that watery, green stuff!)
Corn: 11%
Kale: 22%
Cucumber: 24%
Potato: 11%
Carrot: 10%
Cantaloupe: 9%
Grapefruit: 8%
Berries: 7%
Tomato: 16%
Almonds: 13%
Pumpkin seeds: 17%
Brown Rice: 8%
Oats: 15%
Kidney beans: 26%

Looks to me like we get plenty of protein from eating plants.

We don't "have to" eat animal protein, which also comes with a lot of fat, cholesterol, extra calories, extra weight, extra diseases, and extra heartache. In fact, we don't even have to eat beans, tofu, or any other higher protein plant foods to get enough protein.

Fruits and vegetables have plenty. Interesting, don't you think?

#6 Common Sense Protein Question: "But isn't meat protein superior to plant protein?"

In a word, "No." That is a complete myth that has been perpetuated for almost 100 years. No matter how much this boggles our brain-washed brains, meat protein is not superior to plant protein. The amino acids, or building blocks that make up protein, are just the same whether they come from a plant or animal.

Protein is protein is protein is protein, no matter what the source. If we eat enough food (not a problem in the U.S.), we get enough of the "right" protein—even if the food sources are just plants.

#7 Common Sense Protein Question: "But don't I need more protein for strength and energy?"

Okay, back to our friend, the elephant. Where do elephants get their strength and energy? Not from eating cows or protein bars, that's for sure. An elephant's power comes from plants – that's all there is to it.

Our best source of energy doesn't come from protein at all – it comes from carbohydrates found in whole, unrefined plant foods, like fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables capture the sun's energy and then generously pass it on to us.

The core energy we have (or don't have) today comes from the plant foods we ate (or didn't eat) – yesterday; not the so-called energy protein bar or steak (or that dark, liquid brew) we ate today.

#8 Common Sense Protein Question: "How much protein does the World Health Organization recommend?"

Good thinking. The WHO recommends, not exactly a coincidence, the same amount of protein that is found in human breast milk: 4.5% to 5% protein. Remember, oranges have 8% protein.

Is the protein fog starting to lift a bit? There are lots of true experts out there, way, way smarter than I, who agree:

Plants provide us with plenty of protein for superior health and fitness – it's as simple as that. Bingo bango.

You may choose to eat beef, chicken, fish, and protein drinks, but you don't "have to." Aren't we lucky to have the gift of choice? What's not so lucky is that many of us forget that consequences follow choices—sometimes immediately and sometimes many years down the road.

Good choices beget good consequences; bad choices, especially day after day bad choices, beget painful consequences.

It's your body and your life. You have the incredible power to feed your body and your life or the power to deplete your body and your life.

Will your very next bite feed you or deplete you? It's your choice.
By Dr. Leslie Van Romer

Tenuate: Exterminating Obesity at Its Roots

Are you embarrassed being called a 'FATTY' by your peers? Is obesity tormenting your peace of mind? Tired of being the butt of jokes? If you are troubled by either of these concerns, then it's high time you take a stand against obesity. Tenuate can offer you with a solution to efficiently loose weight. Tenuate is a short-term management of obesity along with proper diet and regular fitness regime. Tenuate is a sympathomimetic drug, which can be understood in simple terms as an anorectic drug.

The prime factor behind obesity is excessive intake of food. The energy provided with excessive food intake is more than what is required by your body. This energy in turn is converted into fat, which leads to obesity. This implies that if food intake is minimized, then obesity can be effectually dealt with. Tenuate works on the central nervous system, which increase the heart rate and blood pressure facilitating decreased appetite. A reduction in your normal appetite means that you would eat less than your usual diet.

Dosage of Tenuate varies upon whether you are consuming regular- release formula of Tenuate or sustained-release formula of Tenuate. Regular release formula is consumed thrice a day, whereas sustained release formula of Tenuate is taken once a day in the mid-morning. Each Tenuate dose should be consumed an hour before your meals, with a glassful of water. Avoid intake of Tenuate later in the day as it may source insomnia. Swallow Tenuate tablets or capsules as whole. Chewing or crushing Tenuate tablets or capsules, as it may change the chemical composition of the drug enhancing chances of unwanted side effects.

Some precautionary measures can make use of Tenuate medication to achieve weight loss easy. Inform your doctor pertaining to your medical record including thyroid problems, diabetes to mention a few. This approach can avert any possible medical complications. Ensure a proper medical supervision while pursuing Tenuate medication. The reason being, Tenuate is a habit-forming drug, which can make you both physically and mentally dependent. You may encounter withdrawal symptoms if you suddenly discontinue Tenuate medication. Therefore, it is essential to speak to your doctor before you stop usage of Tenuate medication.

Use of Tenuate can inflict upon you a few side effects due to the bodily variations with use of Tenuate medication. These Tenuate side effects can be accounted as allergic reactions, insomnia, head ache, dizziness, anxiety, and constipation amongst others. Ask for immediate medical help, if these any other side effects occur, or if they become bothersome. Women with child-bearing potential, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children should restrict themselves from intake of Tenuate. Buy Tenuate by placing a hassle-free online order. An online order can equip you with an affordable price range and the convenience of delivery at the comfort of your home.

Reductil: A Stitch In Time Saves Nine

Obesity is a forerunner of many health related risk factors. The common proverb, "A stitch in time saves nine" gels well in such a situation. Applying to an obese, it would imply it is better to loose weight rather than to be victimized by health hazards such as diabetes, high cholesterol, heart diseases amid others. Pulled down by obesity? Don't loose hope as there is a solution for it. Reductil which is an oral short-term adjunct to your weight programme can treat obesity effectually.

Consumption of Reductil stimulates the neuro-transmitters in the brain. These neuro-transmitters are chemicals which are stocked up in the nerve cells. When these chemicals are released they send messages to the nerve. After the message is conveyed, the nerve cells reabsorb the neuro-transmitters. The mechanism on which Reductil works is of prevention of absorption of two neurotransmitters, noradrenaline and serotonin, from being reabsorbed into the nerve cells again. Noradrenaline and serotonin are accountable for arbitrating mood and a range of other processes in the brain. It is believed that usage of Sibutramine can facilitate you to loose weight by escalating the amount of noradrenaline and serotonin liberated to operate in the brain. This augments the feeling of satisfaction from eating even less food.

Sibutramine the active ingredient of Reductil is only licensed to aid weight loss if your body mass index (BMI) is 30 or higher, and those with a BMI of 27 or higher along with obesity related risk factors, such as type 2 diabetes or high cholesterol. Reductil is only prescribed if you have difficulty in achieving or sustaining weight loss of more than 5% of their body weight over a period of three months, by means of conventional weight loss strategy only. An appropriate diet and exercise programme should be adjoined while on Reductil medication. In this way, you would be able to maintain your new lost weight even after stoppage of treatment. Your doctor should give you advice to assist you with this.

Reductil (Meridia) is accessible in the volume of 15 mg. Take the pill prior to the meal with a glassful of water. Swallow it, and avoid chewing or crushing it as it may change the template of its chemical composition. Avoid over dosage of Reductil (Sibutramine) as it may be detrimental to your health. Consumption of Reductil later in the day, as it may cause drowsiness. Reductil medication should be used for a span of 8-12 weeks in alliance to a low-calorie diet, and regular exercise for loosing effectual weight. Buy or Order Reductil with the aid of online pharmacies and expedite your route to weight loss. An online order can also fetch you with an affordable price range.

Lose The Weight And Keep It Off With These Tips For Safe Weight Loss

Excessive weight is quite a common problem for many people in today's fast-paced world. Some may have it at a very early age while some may start struggling with it after childbirth or with advancing age. Regardless of at what age a person may have weight problems, the fact remains that excessive weight is a serious problem. Not only foes it cause unflattering bulges in certain areas of the body, it is also a major health risk. Being overweight is considered as a key factor in a number of serious illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Being overweight and fat can also have psychological effects as one may find himself unattractive or even ugly because of his excess weight. This may be the reason why a number of techniques and diets have been developed each with a promise of easy, painless and quick weight loss.

One important thing to think about is to lose weight safely. Before embarking on any weight loss program, one must seriously consider its being safe. Weight loss foes not mean being deprived of important nutrients and energy. It is not only with the speed and ease at which weight was lost but how it will be kept off in the end. Unsuccessful attempts may simply cause one to jump from one program to another and to go though a cycle of losing and gaining weight or yo-yo dieting. Yo- yo dieting is in fact dangerous and a major health concern. The key to safely lose the excess weight is to stick to the basics and being consistent.

One step to safe weight loss is controlling your food cravings. Losing weight does not mean not eating entirely or giving up on nutrients or the pleasure of eating. Food craving can cause one to eat in a frenzy a particular food be it chocolate or chips. Stress is one key factor alogn with certain activities. Do not eat while you are doing something else like reading, watching television, or driving. Doing so makes you unaware and unmindful of the type and amount of food you are consuming.

Take time to eat. Safe weight loss does not necessarily mean giving up snacking. Hunger and deprivation can actually drive cravings so keep them at bay by having snacks in between meals. Go for healthy snacks like low fat or sugar free foods such as yogurt, bagels or pretzels. Skipping meals is a definite no-no in safe weight loss. Hunger will only cause you to eat excessively on the next meal so eat small frequent meals instead.

Drink plenty of fluids. Safe weight loss would not be complete without it. Water helps eliminate toxins and waste from the body and helps nutrients to circulate faster. It also helps your skin become clearer and more vibrant.

Safe weight loss, no matter how one may find it harrowing, still boils down to physical activity. Excessive fat would not simply melt away without doing activities. That will burn it and will keep it off. Exercise need not be a difficult activity. It can ne as easy as taking regular brisk walks, jogging or developing a love for a new sport like swimming, tennis or even dancing. Exercise releases feel-good chemicals in the brain that are also released when one eats. So it can also condition you mentally and at the same time curb your cravings. Exercise also causes you to perspire out toxins and wastes so they could also be eliminated from the body. Not only will you lose weight safely and help keep it off permanently, exercise also promotes healthy and clear skin.

Safely losing weight need not be done at a miraculous pace. The key is to see permanent and positive results without jeopardizing one's health. Remember to lose weight is not only for the sake of looking good and feeling better about yourself, to is more so for the sake of your health.
By Lee Dobbins

Hypnosis - Simple & Easy Technique To Lose Weight You Can Implement Today

Hypnosis is a very powerful tool to lose weight. Hypnosis offers very simple and easy techniques that you can use and implement today to lose weight. Through self-hypnosis you can program and control your subconscious mind to avoid sweets and junk food and replace them with healthy and nutritious food.

Here is the simple and easy hypnosis technique to lose weight:

1. Preparation:

Sit in a calm and comfortable place and ensure you are not disturbed

2. Inducing Self Hypnosis

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, hold a few seconds and as you exhale say mentally in your mind "Relax". Do it three times. Then count from 10 to 1 to deepen your relaxation.

Now imagine that you are in complete control of your body, you are feeling wonderful and relaxed. You do not have any craving for sweets and fat foods. Tell yourself that you east only nutritious food. You will eat less and exercise more.

Now feel a table in front of you with sweets, and junk food. Tell yourself they are harmful to you, they are like poison to you. They will increase your weight and you will not eat them. Put them away and allow your body, your mind and your emotions to reject those sweets and junk food. Now you have no desire to eat sweets or junk food.

Now feel, think and imagine you have a table in front of you with fruits and vegetables that are very good for your body. Imagine and feel eating those fruits and vegetables, you will eat moderately. You are aware how much you eat. Allow this habit of eating moderately grow stronger and stronger in you.

Permanent Weight Loss: 5 Simple Steps

By Dr. Leslie Van Romer

Have you ever noticed that diets don't work? Oh, sure, you may lose weight, but it boomerangs right back, and with a vengeance. Then you feel guilty, weak, frustrated, and like a hopeless failure—one more time.

Diets are designed to fail. They are too restrictive, too loaded with fat and cholesterol, and too empty of life-saving nutrients.

Besides that, they leave you hungry.

Guess what? You can't fight your hunger drive. Just like your thirst instinct, your hunger instinct keeps you alive, and it will win every time. If you're hungry, sooner or later you'll eat, and often the very same foods that trap you in the layers you hate.

How about jumping off the diet-go-round and trying this. Fill-up on the "best-for-you" foods first that are calorie-low (yeah! permanent weight loss) and nutrient-dense to prevent scary diseases like cancer, diabetes type 2, heart disease, and strokes: whole, unrefined fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans, our health heroes and disease warriors.

Here are 5 simple guidelines to losing weight forever:

1. Think addition, not subtraction. Don't go to that place of deprivation, like "having to" give up meat.

2. Add 10+10 again and again. Get those fresh fruits and vegetables in you every day.

3. Fill-up on premium foods before eating other foods. Don't even think about which foods you may naturally gravitate away from because you simply don't have enough room in your stomach or the desire (believe it or not) to eat them.

4. Ask yourself, "Does this food feed me or deplete me?" If you don't know, just ask yourself, "Which foods prevent cancer?" Answer: whole, fresh fruits and vegetables. Okay, then eat them FIRST! Remind yourself that there are choices and consequences.

5. Follow the Dr. Leslie Casual/Dress-Up Rule or 80/20 Rule. Eat impeccably 80% of the time and the rest of the time—don't worry about it.

Satisfy your hunger drive and your desire to get down to the size you long to be. Feel good about YOU—once and forever!

Hoodia Works On Obesity, Not On Obese

By Clarence Carter

An anti obesity medication should work on obesity not on obese. If this statement is ambiguous for you then give me a chance to explain it in a clear manner. Most of the anti-obesity medications are made up of synthetic salts and give side effects to the body of the user. May be these medications are successful in weight loss quickly but these medications generates addiction. Moreover many harmful long term side effects are associated with them. While using these medications you involuntarily become a subject of drug trial. With these medications weight loss instead of being a beneficial becomes harmful for the body. Therefore, a completely side effects free medication whose reliability is tested years of use should be used for weight loss.

Only medications which are made up of herbs and herbal extracts fit on this criteria. Hoodia appetite suppressant is made up of a natural extract of Hoodia Gordonii plant. Its reliability is tested in the usages of medication for centuries. Hoodia gordonii plant is found in the Kalahari Desert of Africa, where San Bushmen have been using this medication for centuries. They never felt any harmful side effect of the medication.

Hoodia appetite suppressant also fit with modern standard. After rigorous research the prime appetite suppressing element of Hoodia plant have been isolated by drug manufacturing company Phytopharm. This element is known as P-57 and its efficacy and safety is tested with high standards. This element is synthesized in production of Hoodia diet pills and capsules. It is also used in manufacturing of Hoodia health drinks.

Appetite suppressant Hoodia increases the level of blood sugar. The brain of user takes this increase as fullness of the stomach. Hypothalamus, the control gland of the body is too influenced with Hoodia, not to take any action for taking food. Thus, the user of Hoodia diet drug does not eat excess food. The temptation for food is almost vanished even in a gourmet.

The volume of Hoodia diet pill and Hoodia capsule is 1200mg. Clinical studies have established this is the optimum volume of Hoodia for suppression of appetite for 24hours. A capsule or pill of Hoodia daily is the general dosage of Hoodia medication. The capsule or pill should be swallowed with a glass of plain water. Since 1200mg is the optimum value of the medication therefore overdosing of Hoodia is strictly prohibited.

There is no need to get doctor's prescription for using Hoodia appetite suppressant but a doctor must be consulted before starting its use. Purchase Hoodia through an online order. An online order for Hoodia brings the medication at your doorstep at a cheaper rate. Now, achieve weight loss with Hoodia without putting yourselves on the verge of side effects.

USA---News---Chinese grapple with obesity, herbs not a solution

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Unhappy with her weight, Charmaine Tong decided two years ago to try a slimming tea, which supposedly contained only traditional Chinese herbs.

She was overjoyed when she lost her appetite and the bathroom scales began dipping, but her happiness vanished when she began suffering a racing heart beat a month later.

"I chose Chinese medicine as I thought it wouldn't have chemicals and would have fewer side effects, but my heart went out of control," said Tong, a marketing executive in Hong Kong.

She stopped drinking the tea at once, and has since regained the seven pounds she lost, and more.

Pills and teas purporting to "melt away body fat" and help shed unwanted pounds are sold widely across Hong Kong.

Growing affluence, a penchant for eating and a sedentary lifestyle have swollen the ranks of people who are overweight or obese in Hong Kong and China, doctors say.

Thirty percent of Hong Kong's nearly 7 million people are overweight, double the figure 10 years ago, local doctors say.

In China, nearly one in every five Chinese are overweight and there are now at least 60 million Chinese who are obese, according to the British Medical Journal.

It also found that 10 million children from the ages of 7 to 18 were overweight in 2000 in China, 28 times more than in 1985. A further four million were obese.

Obesity and overweight are major risk factors for serious chronic diseases -- such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke, and certain forms of cancer -- which caused 60 percent of all deaths worldwide in 2005.

"What we are seeing in our part of the world are people coming in with heart attacks at 40, strokes at 40-ish, kidney problems at 40-ish. Many of these are young mothers still looking after kids and many are breadwinners for the family," Juliana Chan, a professor of medicine and therapeutics at the Chinese University in Hong Kong, told Reuters.

"We are going to see a lot of early deaths, disabilities and there will be an enormous burden on the health care system, which can't cope. Lots of young people will come in requiring bypass operations, dialysis, rehabilitation for strokes and our productivity will reduce."

An overweight Chinese boy eats his lunch after a weight reduction class in Beijing in this July 16, 2004 file photo. Growing affluence, a penchant for eating and a sedentary lifestyle have swollen the ranks of people who are overweight or obese in Hong Kong and China, doctors say. (Guang Niu/Files/Reuters)


A billion people are overweight in the world and of these, 300 million are obese, according to the

World Health Organization. Cardiovascular disease killed 17.5 million people worldwide in 2005, and 11 million of those were in Asia.

Apart from eating too much, doing too little and smoking, experts say Asia's weight problem is more pronounced than in the West because of a genetic predisposition to obesity.

"For the same body weight, Asians have more body fat than Caucasians, particularly in the viscera (organs in the abdominal cavity)," said Chan.

"Because of the climate, we are not built to store so much fat, so it spills into the liver, muscles and pancreas, which is why you hear so much about fatty liver."

The smaller Asian build gives rise to abdominal, or central obesity, or a concentration of fat in and around vital organs.

"Asians have problems with central obesity. Excess fat goes into the stomach, it surrounds the guts, gets into the liver. If you don't use it, it gets deposited under the skin, around the heart and muscles," Chan said.

"If the heart muscles are stuffed with fat, it can't store glucose, which then stays in the bloodstream, causing diabetes."

But is traditional Chinese medicine a solution?

"There is no magic bullet no matter what people may claim," said Richard Eu, group chief executive officer of Eu Yan Sang, a leading traditional Chinese medicine retailer in Asia.

"It's a lifestyle modification. We have clinics that help in weight management. It's a combination of acupuncture, herbs and modifying your lifestyle. I don't think it's an easy solution."


Saturday, December 16, 2006

USA---News---Obesity warning on clothing suggested

NewsTrack - Quirks

Obesity warning on clothing suggested

LONDON, Dec. 15 (UPI) -- Health specialists in Britain want large-size clothing to carry notices, including whom to call for help in losing weight, warning of the danger of obesity.

The recommendation is among public health professionals' suggestions, published in the British Medical Journal, for combating obesity, The Times of London reported.
In addition to tagging clothing with warnings, the group suggests placing extra taxes on foods high in sugar and saturated fat. They also call for banning the practice of placing candy designed to entice children at the checkout counters in stores.
The report was assembled by the head of the National Health Service in Scotland and professors at Newcastle and Glasgow universities.

They suggest Britain establish a central agency responsible for aspects of obesity.

"Medical practice must adapt to the current epidemic of obesity and nutrition-related diseases," the report said.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Physical Activity Tips for Adults

Physical activity, along with healthy eating, is an integral component of a healthy lifestyle, and plays an important role in achieving a healthy weight and preventing overweight and obesity. Unfortunately, a significant number of Australians don’t get enough physical activity at the levels recommended to achieve health benefits. The following tips refer to ways in which you can become more active, and therefore experience the range of benefits associated with regular physical activity.
- Make regular physical activity a priority; commit to it and ensure it becomes part of your daily routine.
- Set yourself realistic, short-term and long-term goals and work towards them.
- Start exercising slowly, and gradually increase the intensity. Trying too hard at first can lead to injury and can increase your chances of dropping out.
- Use the National Physical Activity Guidelines for Australians as a guide and prompt for increasing physical activity levels. The Guidelines are as follows:
1. Think of movement as an opportunity, not an inconvenience.
2. Be active every day in as many ways as you can.
3. Put together at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, preferably all, days.
4. If you can, also enjoy some regular, vigorous exercise for extra health and fitness.
- The 30 minutes recommended per day for physical activity does not have to be continuous; it can be accumulated over shorter bouts of activity.
- If possible, try to do some higher intensity physical activity as well, as this will provide additional health and fitness benefits.
- Try to be active in as many ways as you can over the day, to burn extra calories. Examples include taking the stairs instead of escalators or elevators, walking to the shops, parking the car further away from your destination, and getting off the train or bus a stop earlier.
- Find activities that you enjoy and vary the type of activity that you do. This way you are more likely to keep it up, remain motivated and enjoy exercising.
- Be active with friends or a partner; they should keep you motivated and make the activity more fun.
- Join a sport, health or recreation club for social support.
- Do not get discouraged if you miss a day of activity or two, or something interferes with your exercise routine. Incidences such as these should not be used as an excuse to stop exercising. Just keep trying and do your best to make exercise a regular part of your life.

CA--News---Child obesity alarms experts

Action needed now to stem child obesity
Dec. 13, 2006. 06:19 PM

At many schools, snack time includes chocolate, ice cream and potato chips. But at the Prince of Peace Catholic School, students prefer to nibble on dried fruit, cheese and raisins.
That's because the students at this east-end Toronto school have taken the lead in ensuring that healthy life choices are as much a part of their education as math and science.
A group of their Grade 6, 7, and 8 students run a leadership team that promotes proper diet and exercise. Their message has caught on, and the school is now home to health training sessions, as well as daily physical activity. Apple slices have replaced cookies at lunch, and students drink milk instead of pop.
Prince of Peace has become a model for raising healthy children.
"We are developing young people who are aware that a healthy life involves making choices," says Bob Kalisz, the school's former principal. "Choices about food, exercise, social justice and community involvement."
A staggering 185 million school aged children around the world are overweight or obese. In Canada alone, that includes a quarter of our children — triple the number from 20 years ago.
Sports and recreation have been replaced by video games and computers, while processed fast food has taken the place of fruits and vegetables. It's a recipe for obesity.
With every extra pound, children increase their chances of heart disease, stroke and type II diabetes, shortening their lives significantly.
Doctors now suggest that today's youth will have a shorter lifespan than their parents — something that hasn't happened since before the Industrial Revolution.
They've begun calling it an epidemic.
That's why Montreal's McGill University hosted a late-October think tank for 150 experts in health, education, food, leisure and sports in an attempt to develop a bolder approach to fighting childhood obesity.
After two days of meetings, they released a call to action recommending that governments, corporate and community leaders, as well as parents and children work together to stem the tide of the epidemic.
But the highlight of the think tank came from children themselves. Fourteen-year-old Andrew Lue encouraged governments, businesses and communities to give young people a voice by making them part of the solution.
That is the key. One way to overcome childhood obesity is by educating young people about proper diet and exercise. If they are empowered to make health-conscious decisions as children, they can become healthier adults.
Signs of this are popping up around the country. In British Columbia, a government committee held hearings at high schools and even set up a website asking young people for their suggestions on fighting childhood obesity. Others, such as the Toronto-based Life in Action program, tours schools encouraging youth to live healthy, active lives through innovative curriculum, motivational speaking and leadership training.
It was a presentation last year by Life in Action facilitators that started Prince of Peace students down the path to healthier lives.
This is only a start. Initiatives like these are what's needed to engage youth directly.
But none of this can happen until we acknowledge how big a problem childhood obesity is.
A recent poll showed that only 9 per cent of Canadian parents think their children are overweight — even though 26 per cent are.
"When you have 18-, 20- and 25-year-olds having heart attacks because of poor circulation, that is going to be debilitating," says Abby Bloch of the Robert C. and Veronica Atkins Foundation, which helps fund healthy living initiatives worldwide.
Bloch warns that the impact of having young people too sick to work will cost the economy billions of dollars and change the structure of our communities.
And like the young people at the McGill conference, she believes that engaging youth is the answer.
"I don't think parents can just say to their kids `stop drinking soda,'" Bloch explains.
"Their motivation should come from understanding the impact of unhealthy eating. Kids have the ability to make their own choices."
Craig and Marc Kielburger are founders of Free the Children and co-authors of Me to We.