Monday, June 28, 2010

Gwyneth Paltrow Macrobiotic Diet

[Gwyneth Paltrow phot0]

To obtain the form of a slim and perfect body, the diet has always been starting the measuring. This mode also conducted the Hollywood celebrity, like the famous actress Gwyneth Paltrow. However, if one applies the diet, not a sexy body to get, you can actually suffer from another disease.

The desire to have stable body weight by running on a strict diet patterns. 37-year-old star was diagnosed the doctor had osteopenia.

Star of "Iron Man" was revealed to the public that she was suffering from brittle bone disease that usually first experienced by seniors (elderly people). The wife of Coldplay frontman Chris Martin's band was calling itself in the early stages of osteopenia.

Brittle bone disease was detected after a few years ago he was known to have cracks in one part of the leg bone of the most widely accepted because of pressure to hold weight.

In its website, Gwyneth had time to write, according to physician examination results, levels of vitamin D in the body is the lowest ever seen.

With this condition, the doctors moved quickly prescribe high doses of vitamin D, and advocate for frequent Gwyneth bask in the sun.

Because insisted want to get back healthy as before, since that time he also changed his diet to more healthy patterns. Finally, star of "Shakespeare In Love" This Macrobiotic diet.

This strict diet only allows a person to consume lots of fruit, wheat, and vegetables and some fish. He also claim to avoid the consumption of red meat, milk and other processed product.

Osteopenia is a yellow light or a warning so you can lead a healthy lifestyle. When you have a habit of smoking, immediately stop the habit. Make sure you take the time to exercise, get calcium and vitamin D intake is adequate and stay away from alcohol and caffeine.

Daily calcium requirement for adults is 1000 mg to 1200 mg. Along with the development of times, it is not easy to meet calcium needs enough. While osteoporosis itself can be caused by deficiencies of calcium and physical exercises that are too much.