Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Prevent Diabetes With Milk

[Milk photo]

This conclusion was drawn from 10 years to a study of 3000 respondents. They were then divided into two groups. First is the group who consumed various types of dairy products and the second group did not consume dairy at all. The result, the first group to have insulin resistance 70 percent lower.

What is insulin resistance? Insulin resistance is a condition in which decreased insulin sensitivity and makes our blood sugar levels are not balanced or excess blood sugar. Generally the obese or overweight, characterized by increased insulin resistance.

Protein in milk will help keep your immune. While the fat content will also make us feel satisfied. Enjoy also the other nutrients from dairy products is also useful, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Let prevent diabetes by:
One. Consuming two servings of low-fat milk every day. Each portion will deduct the excess insuli resistance up to 20%.

2. Do exchange. Choose dairy products, rather than high carb snacks and low in fiber, such as soft drinks, candy, or fast food.

3. Accompany the milk with fruit, vegetables and whole wheat. We can add fresh fruit pieces in yogurt for breakfast. Or low-fat cheese melt on top of whole wheat bread.